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Setting: swimming pool

Plot: a memorable visit

Technique: personification, symbol

Example: Oceana swimming pool – the toast of the town in the eighties but now, remembered only by a nostalgic few like my father. As we stepped through the entrance, he sang its praises again.

“It was the first to have an actual Olympic-sized pool!” He measured it when he was a boy, just to verify the claim.

“Three diving platforms too! Oh, and over there, by the changing room, is the mural I’ve told you about! Isn’t it beautiful?” It depicted mermaids, King Neptune and sea monsters but my eyes soon wandered elsewhere. I noted the peeling wall paint, the ugly weeds between the cracked, concrete tiles and the rusty barbed wire fence around the perimeter. Grande dame. That was what my father had called this place. I snorted. I also had two words: “gross” and “dump”.

“Why are we here?” I muttered irritably.

First Dive

Setting: swimming pool

Plot: the character tried out the diving board

Technique: expanding a moment

Example: “Come on, Brooke! You can do it! Just one more small step…” urged the swimming coach from the diving platform. Teetering close to the edge of the board, Brooke stole a nervous glance at the water below. One small step? It was more like a giant leap of faith that she had to take. What if she jumped the wrong way? Would she land on her belly? She had heard that a belly flop was very painful, that one would end up with chilli red skin on the face and limbs for days and that one could even die from… “Brooke! You’re holding everyone up!” shouted the coach. Suddenly, the board heaved up and down dangerously. Her coach was coming towards her!